Milburn Primary School & Nursery

About Us

Milburn School is a very special place and truly unique.  We are privileged to work and learn in a wonderful small school setting that enables children to develop socially, emotionally and academically with a love for learning and the skills to excel throughout their lives.

Our beautiful setting means the village green is our playground and views across the Cumbrian countryside are the background to our learning and play.  Situated at the northern end of the Green, there has been a school in the village since at least the 18th century and the present building was constructed in 1851 replacing an earlier, thatched one which was burnt down in 1850. Originally it consisted of just one room designed to accommodate up to 55 pupils under the control of a single teacher. At this time children would generally stay at the school until they reached leaving age – by 1911 this was age 14.


As a small school with small class numbers our children are able to experience :

  • Personalised teaching, support and intervention in line with their interests and needs
  • Experience real collaborative learning through mixed aged teaching
  • Excellent sporting/creative/musical opportunities, both at Milburn and with our partner schools and cluster of schools
  • Outdoor activities on our doorstep with our large forest schools area

Our children benefit from a family orientated ethos, where they are encouraged to reach out and believe and become caring, understanding members of the community and the world beyond.

Our children leave Milburn with pride and confidence, ready to take the next step in their lives.  While at Milburn they develop positive attitudes and excellent behaviour.

Our dedicated and talented team of staff, work in partnership with parents and the community to provide the best for the children in our care. The small pupil numbers mean that our children benefit from high levels of individual support and interact confidently across age groups.  Together we strive to ensure the children have a broad experience by providing exciting learning opportunities.

The children also benefit from excellent IT facilities - virtual reality headsets that bring learning to life, SAM Labs coding kits, as well as laptops and tablets that enable up to date learning.  These are alongside the natural resources and facilities on our doorstep.

We are very proud of our school and children. We are always happy to welcome visitors and prospective children and families.  Come and see what learning in a small school is all about.

Our Mission

“A school where every child has the time to flourish,” Headteacher

Our high teacher to child ratio ensures every child is valued and we can dedicate time to developing their talents, personalities and interests.  We are able to provide exceptional care for every child through understanding them in depth.  This allows us to unlock their passion and nurture their development as individuals as they complete their journey from Nursery to Year 6.


“A wonderful place to learn,” Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Our children learn in the wonderful setting of Milburn close to the North Pennines Area Of Natural beauty.   Within our historic building at the heart of the village, a calm, purposeful and modern learning space has been created to be conducive to the highest quality learning for every individual child.  Our purpose built outdoor learning area situated a short walk from the school, provides children with a natural space to learn vital skills, grow in confidence and explore the natural world.


“A curriculum to build aspiration,”  Executive Headteacher

Our bespoke curriculum design enables every child to thrive in both their academic learning and personal development.  Learning is skillfully and carefully planned so knowledge and skills grow rapidly step by step and children are given opportunities to explore and question.  The curriculum is enhanced with real life, meaningful experiences, educational visits and residentials to broaden thinking and deepen understanding.  Children have the time and space to grow personally through the excellent provision of outdoor and adventurous activities.


“Fantastic People that care deeply,” Chair of the Governing Board

Our highly skilled and dedicated team care passionately about providing the very best care and education for every single child.  Their warm, caring  approach enables us to nurture the dreams and aspirations of every individual so that they can find their pathway to success  Each adult has the time to devote to each individual, ensuring that every child makes excellent progress in the key building blocks of learning (Reading, Writing and Maths) while also flourishing in Art, Science, Music, History, Sport, Languages, Geography and Computing.



Our Vision

What do we want for children at the end of their unique Milburn learning experience?

Our vision is for children to go on to the next stage of their life as:

  • Intelligent & Articulate learners with the knowledge and skills for leading a successful life
  • Enterprising & active learners that are willing to take risks and explore our diverse world
  • Open Minded & outward looking learners that can respond to challenge and believe anything is possible
  • Empowered & Resilient learners that are passionate, well rounded and strive for success

Our Values

Collaboration – understanding and trusting each other and working together to achieve our goals

Caring – acting in a way that shows care and understanding for others

Self-Belief – believing in ourselves, having the courage to take risks and do what we believe is right

Creativity – having a positive attitude to finding solution to the problems we come across

Perseverance – showing effort and determination to continue overcoming barriers or problems


Our Core Behaviours

Growing relationships – to grow relationships with each other, children and parents, we act to understand ourselves and others, giving time and patience to build trust.

Every child’s champion – every action is for every child so we create justice

Being the best version of ourselves – removing the glass ceiling of expectations in the pursuit of excellence