Milburn Primary School & Nursery

Friends of Milburn School (FOMS)

We would like to take this opportunity to tell you about Friends of Milburn School (FOM’s) the charity that works with the school raising funds to support curriculum and fun activities for our children.

Last year the money raised bought Jubilee Coins for all the children plus Hoodies, T-Shirts, Book Bags. We funded an Art Visit and the occasional treats like ice-creams on school trips and party food at Christmas.

Since COVID we haven’t had many events, which is why the school lottery is an important fundraiser for us. 

Joining the school lottery is the easiest way for our families and extended community to support our wonderful school.  We have over 100 members in the lottery with prizes totaling £560 paid out during the year.  The money raised supports and enhances school life for our children.

If you would like to join the lottery the cost is just £12 per number for a full 12 months and you can have as many numbers as you wish. You can transfer the money to account number 81056476 sort code 40-08-29 using your name as reference.  Please send an email to our treasurer with the details of the names you would like allocated to the numbers.

Whether you would like to be an active member of the Committee, help out at an event or wish to contribute in any way, you will be made very welcome.